Simple Process Increases THC Content Almost Ten Fold To Any Cannabis Helping To Obliterate Cancer Cells

It is no longer a secret that cannabis is the great destroyer to cancer cells, even the US Government now unwittingly admits it. This article is about how to Decarboxylate Cannabis . You’ll get an almost 10 fold increase in THC by first heating the marijuana to a specific temperature range for a certain amount of time. To high of a temperature and you destroy many of the beneficial cannibinoids . I think this information is awesome. THC kills cancer cells and by increasing the THC content of the Medical cannabis you have on hand, it can only do a much better job! It has too, because the increase in THC skyrockets after this simple process . I read the tinctures medicinal value could be greatly improved upon if they would only decarboxylate the cannabis first. Here are lab results of before and after. More with Videos 'via Blog this'