
Showing posts from June, 2017

Developing: Predictive Programming Tool of Shadow Government, 19 Examples on 911

( N.Morgan )  Hollywood has always been considered a place where dreams come true, a fantasy world where the ultra rich and famous play. However, there is more than meets the eye, when it comes to the movies, music, and entertainment being pumped out by the studios and other medias,hidden within is a constant stream of subtle propaganda and brainwashing is taking place. Ideas or thoughts, which would normally viewed as odd, foul, undesirable, or outlandish, are embedded and inserted into movies deceptively hidden under the guise of fantasy and can also be found hidden in other forms of media. More with Must See Video #entertainment #video 

The Elite Want to Transfer Consciousness to a New Body in Quest for Immortality

Hidden away in secret labs, huge experiments are quietly taking place, cures being tested, and procedure results being observed and noted, treatments that only the ultra-rich can afford. The Elite have been on a never ending quest to find a way to trick Death and to live forever. Video #elite #video