
Showing posts from December, 2019

This Doctor Shocked the World: Cancer Is a Fungus That Can Be Treated With Baking Soda (Videos)

by  N.Morgan A global  cancer  report by a leading US health organization estimates that cancer will kill 7.6 million people worldwide this year (about 20,000 cancer deaths a day), and more than 12 million people will find out they have the disease. Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases known to mankind. However, according to Italian doctor Tulio Simonchini, cancer is nothing but a fungus that can be eliminated with baking soda. Dr. Simonchini used this method to cure thousands of patients suffering from different types of cancer and claims that it is 100% effective. The therapy isn’t harmful at all and let’s face it – you’ve got nothing to lose. The painful reality of more and more cancer cases is somehow connected to the failures of oncology. “We have to prove that modern oncology is unable to answer all the questions cancer patients have. It’s our moral and ethical commitment to find the real cure for the hardest and deadliest diseases of our time,” says Dr. Simonchini.

Remarkable 1930’s Pharmacist Map of ‘Herbal Cures’ Released to Public (Video)

by  N.Morgan The site  Slate reported  on this amazing map of ‘Herbal Cures’ from 1932 of the medicinal plants in common use among pharmacists and the public back then. The map itself states under the heading ‘The Service of Pharmacy’: “It is important that the public does not lose sight of the fact that the professions of Pharmacy, Medicine, and Dentistry, each give an essential service, which must not be impaired or destroyed by commercial trends. The public and the professions will suffer equally if these services are allowed to deteriorate. In pharmacy, the public should understand something of the breadth of knowledge required of the pharmacist. Few people realize the extent to which plants and minerals enter into the practice of pharmacy, and how vital they are to the maintenance of the public health. It has been stated that upwards of 70 percent of all medicines employed are plant products.” Copper Home Page APeX Humic Fulvic Ultra Curcumin Fast forward

Your Cells Are Listening: Heal Yourself By Talking To Your Body (Video)

by  N.Morgan For thousands of years shamans, healers, intuitives, and spiritual masters have known that talking to your body can be beneficial throughout the healing process. Through self-talk, mental imaging and vocalizing your inner thoughts, you can impact your mental, physical and emotional well being. This concept works both for and against us. While  positive, self-affirming talk  can help to boost your health, aiding in the healing process, negative self-talk and beliefs can, in turn, create a negative response in regards to your overall health. If you have never had a reason to reassess your self-talk before, now might be the time! Experts advise that there are 3 key steps to creating the necessary connection with your own body to bring about positive healing: Understand the complexities of your body, complete with the vast spectrum of emotions that impact your daily decisions. Allow yourself to talk to yourself, either out loud or internally, creating a mental

A New Kind of Heart Attack: Research Finds a Broken Heart Permanently Weakens the Organ in a Similar Way (Video)

by  N.Morgan Researchers have discovered that  severe emotional distress can damage the heart  physically, much like a heart attack. At least 3,000 adults in the U.K. suffer from Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, colloquially termed as the “broken heart syndrome,” each year. It is caused by bereavement and severe emotional distress, which stuns and weakens the heart. This causes the left ventricle – one of the main chambers of the heart – to change shape. The deformed heart looks similar to an octopus pot, or “takotsubo” in Japanese, which gave the condition its name. Doctors have long presumed that the damage was temporary and would eventually heal over time. (Related:  Broken hearts may actually be able to cause death .) Interestingly,  a major project by Swiss researchers  last year found that the condition can also be triggered by extreme happiness as well as sorrow. Researchers at the  University of Aberdeen  have discovered that the condition may cause permanent damage to

One of the Most Popular Electronic Accessory Linked to Huge Blackheads in Your Ears (Video)

by  N.Morgan It has been discovered that your earbuds or headphones could cause massive blackheads to form just outside your ear canal. We have sebaceous glands all over our skin according to one host on  The Doctors . These glands are responsible for secreting oil for our skin. There are many of these types of glands on your nose which is why it is common to have blackheads there. However, these glands also exist inside your ear. When you use earbuds or headphones for extended periods of time, oil can build up and begin to block these glands. When the gland is blocked it creates a massive blackhead which could potentially need attention from a doctor. The Doctors say that this massive buildup underneath the blackhead inside your ear can get infected if not treated. They told viewers that the best thing to do is to try to keep up on your personal hygiene, especially when it comes to your favorite pair of earbuds. WARNING: This is GROSS! Copper Home Page APeX

Research: Hair Dyes Have a Direct Connection to Breast Cancer (Video)

by  N.Morgan With current beauty trends, it is an absolute necessity for many women to color their hair as they get older and the gray starts setting in. New research from Finland should give women everywhere pause, as it indicates this apparently harmless beauty ritual could be  linked to an elevated risk of breast cancer . For her doctoral dissertation, researcher Sanna Heikkinen of the  University of Helsinki  and the Finnish Cancer Registry examined self-reported information from 8,000 Finnish women with breast cancer and a further 20,000 controls. Heikkinen observed a 23 percent increase in breast cancer risk for those who  dyed their hair on a regular basis . Earlier research similarly found that women who regularly dye their hair are at increased risk of other cancers, including brain cancer, bladder cancer, and leukemia. British scientists have also issued warnings in the past about the dangers of both home hair dye kits and professional dyes applied at hair salons.