Scary New World Order Plans For Google Barge FEMA Camp (Video)

(N.Morgan) I recently wrote another article about the Google barge and if it could possibly be used as floating FEMA Camps or as I jokingly called it, FEMA Island. (However, it isn't a joking matter)  Is the Regime preparing for having mobile FEMA Camps? Is that the purpose or is it to keep the worst of the worst who revolt against the regime sent to FEMA Island?


Please take the time to watch the video and follow the links I have provided. Think of it this way, if they had a thousand people on that barge and decided they were too much trouble, they would only have to sink it to be rid of us!



 Floating Prisons

NC Homeless Hauled to FEMA camps & force RFID Chips or No Benefit:


Cop Talks About FEMA Camps & Red Blue Dots


Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura FEMA CAMP





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