Video Recovered After DHS Coerce Man To Delete Footage, Detain For Asserting Right To Remain Silent

( N.Morgan ) DHS officers thought they had covered their butts when they forced a man to delete footage he had taken of the officers denying him his right to remain silent, boy, were they wrong! However, the vigilant citizen had made sure not to lose the precious footage and had backed up by the popular smartphone application Dropbox. Technology these last few years have really become the mortal enemy of the crooked cops and law enforcement. Giving a not so stellar view of some of the worst cops, acting their worst and in this case, again technology stepped in to make sure their misdeeds were exposed. The video shows the man, who has requested to remain anonymous, invoking his 5th Amendment right to remain silent as he is threatened with arrest for doing so. In the initial exchange, one DHS officer can be heard saying “Okay sir, right now you are facing several charges… We don’t have to have probable cause.” The DHS agents tell the man to pull over to a ...