The Al Sharpton – Ritual Sacrifice Code
(N.Morgan) I'm not sure what to make of this video presentation, but I can say it does present a very interesting and frightening aspect of Satanism and the ritualistic sacrifices. Could Al Sharpton be the next sacrifice? This video report discusses the ritual code contained in the name of Al Sharpton and in doing so, discusses the conspiratorial elements, that strongly suggest, that Al Sharpton. is targeted for ritual sacrifice, not by some race hating white group, but from his insider Zionist handlers, that have no more use for Al Sharpton, and can use his orchestrated ritual blood sacrifice murder, to advance the current and ongoing NWO agenda, that seeks to perpetuate a race war in America, between blacks and the rest of the nation.
Once Sharpton is assassinated in public and removed, it will open the way for someone currently waiting in the wings, to take over the black mob, all angered by the death of Sharpton, and whose job will be to lead the black mob to a future blood ritual sacrifice, where the ritual sacrifice will target only the blacks of America, utilizing some mind control methodology, that allows the govt to begin using drastic and indiscriminate lethal force measures, to deal with black violence in the inner cities.
This action will then lead to eventual mandatory round ups and involuntary incarceration of blacks into FEMA camps, for possible future ritual sacrifice and or termination, inside the FEMA Death Camps, that will be used to process the many blacks, that are not killed, but instead, rounded up and processed into FEMA Camps. The existing Black Ritual 911 false flag, is attempting to use the entire black race as a ritual sacrifice element, and in doing so, if successful, it will lead the nation's blacks into a NWO human Venus Fly Trap, that intends to use the entire black race as a group, that will be sacrificed wholesale, to perpetuate the race war, that such an evil plan entails.
Background and links:
Minister Louis Farrakhan link:
Al Sharpton and his IRS, 4.2 Million Dollars in unpaid taxes

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