What Youtube and Facebook Really Think of Black People (Video)

by N.Morgan

In the video below, a very intelligent young lady named Candace Owens, the videographer of the Red Pill Black channel on Youtube exposes the hypocrisy of censorship faced by her and other conservative, black Americans.

Youtube, Twitter and other social media giants are censoring videos and Tweets opposing the narrative that this country is on the cusp of a civil war. Mrs. Owens points out how Hitler used these tactics to gain control of Germany and how we are now being herded in that direction.

 Please support Mrs. Owens by following her on Twitter and subscribing to her Youtube, links provided below. We need more brave souls like her to come forward with these truths.



Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedPillBlack/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/redpillblack?lang=en

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL0u5uz7KZ9q-pe-VC8TY-w/feed


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