Learn the Secret to Health and Vitality That the Ancients Used (Videos)
by N.Morgan

Through the ages, healers have understood the value of copper in obtaining and maintaining optimum health.
Whether topically applied or ingested, many forms of copper and copper compounds (such as copper carbonate, copper silicate, copper oxide, copper sulfate, copper chloride, etc.) were used throughout history for the treatment of disease. Copper has been used for medicinal purposes as far back as ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome as well as in the ancient Aztec civilization.
Introducing the World’s First Patented Bioavailable Copper One Supplements
Whether you’re healthy and simply need more energy or suffer from chronic pain and fatigue, MitoSynergy can help you improve the quality of your life and help you take control of your discomfort and pain. With one of a kind blend containing the patented Cunermuspir Complex, MitoSynergy can dramatically increase your energy and help to relieve your pain and discomfort.
Check out this amazing censored video showing how our patented bioavailable Copper One helps eliminate harmful bacteria from your body plus boosts your immune system.
MitoSynergy’s focus is to help the body help itself by feeding Cunermuspir to the cells to support the mitochondria in synthesizing ATP. The combination of our blends with Cunermuspir may help where other nutritional supplements have failed. Once you try MitoSynergy, you will want to share the results with your friends and family. MitoSynergy Advanced is our Signature all-in-one patented neuromuscular health supplement.
We had an interview with Charlie Barker who is the inventor of the world’s only bioavailable copper. It’s called Copper (I) which is not the normal Copper II (blue) found in every copper supplement on the market! Copper (I) supercharges your immune system using knowledge first discovered by ancient Egyptians. Charlie began working with people from Egypt when he first heard about this new copper that gives up an electron to boost every cellular system in your body!
These Egyptians had figured out a way to make bioavailable copper that did amazing things for the immune system. But there was a big problem. It only remained stable for a month before it oxidized into worthless blue powder. You can’t have a product that only stays stable for a month! Blue means it’s oxidized and worthless to the body. Blue oxidized copper won’t do ANYTHING good for you. In fact, it could give you Alzheimer’s according to some new findings! Every product on the market that contains copper has the oxidized (blue) form in it! BAD stuff!
Lyme Disease Sufferer Featured On Dr. Phil Gets Relief From 1st Bioavailable Copper
Benefits of Copper 1
There are numerous health benefits of copper. These include the proper growth of the body, efficient utilization of iron, proper enzymatic reactions, as well as improved health of connective tissues, hair, and eyes. It’s also an important part in preventing premature aging and increasing energy production. Other benefits include regulating heart rhythm, balanced thyroid glands, reduced pain from arthritis, quicker healing of cuts and bruises, increased red blood cell formation and reduced cholesterol.
The health benefits of copper are crucial for maintaining an overall healthy life. This mineral enables a normal metabolic process in association with amino acids and vitamins. Copper cannot be produced by the body and therefore needs to be added from other sources. It is the third most prevalent mineral in the body and is mostly carried by the blood plasma protein, ceruloplasmin. In order to enjoy the health benefits of copper, it must be included in your daily diet, as it is used up in daily bodily processes.
Failure to have enough copper in your system can lead to what they call a copper deficiency which could lead to the following symptoms in the body:
Anemia | Low Body Temperature | Brittle Bones |
Osteoporosis | Dilated Veins | Low White Blood Cell Count |
Uneven Heartbeat | Elevated Cholesterol Levels | Low Resistance to Infections |
Birth Defects | Low Skin Pigmentation | Thyroid Disorders |
Lethargy | Paleness | Sores |
Edema | Stunted Growth | Hair Loss |
Anorexia | Diarrhea | Internal Bleeding |
Dermatitis |
Health Benefits of Pharmaceutical Grade Copper 1
Copper plays many important roles in maintaining a healthy body and mind. The benefits are too numerous to mention however we will focus on the most common ailments and irregularities copper can drastically help benefit.
Helps to Treat Arthritis. One of the biggest health benefits of copper is its anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the symptoms of arthritis. The consumer market is flooded with copper bracelets as well as other accessories for curing this condition. Copper is beneficial in strengthening the muscular system. Taking copper in the morning will have you feeling energized and active for the day because your metabolism will have a good source of this element for its daily actions
Helps Ensure Proper Growth. Copper is essential for normal growth and health. Thus, it is very important to include this mineral in balanced levels in your regular diet. It is also beneficial for the protection of the skeletal, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Copper deficiencies are seen in many third world countries and are reflected in a number of birth and growth defects in children of those nations.
Helps Prevent Premature Aging. Copper is a strong antioxidant, which works in the presence of the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase to safeguard the cell membranes from free radicals. Superoxide dismutase is one of the strongest antioxidants that work within the body in the fight against free radicals. Free radicals attack different organ systems but are specifically studied in terms of their effect on aging, including wrinkles, age spots, susceptibility to various types of cancer, macular degeneration, and kidney malfunctions. Having enough copper in your daily diet can keep you looking younger for longer!
Helps Regulate Melanin Production. Copper is a vital component of the natural dark pigment, melanin, which gives coloration to the skin, hair, and eyes. Melanin can be produced by melanocytes only in the presence of the cuproenzyme called tyrosinase, which is derived from it. Intake of its supplements also helps in protecting against the graying of hair, so while it is often overlooked as an antioxidant mineral, it does protect the integrity of those cells and helps to keep you looking younger! It also maintains the color of your eyes, and is essential, along with zinc, to keep your eyes beautifully colored into your old age.
Skin Care. Copper is an important nutrient that plays a significant role in the synthesis of hemoglobin, myelin, body pigment melanin and collagen. It helps to protect the myelin sheath surrounding the nerves and is also actively involved in the production of elastin, that helps to keep the skin flexible. This also keeps your skin from looking older by keeping it flexible and less prone to sagging and wrinkles.
Brain Stimulant. Copper helps to stimulant the brain, which is why foods rich in copper are often classified as “Brain Foods”. However, copper content in the diet has to be inadequate proportions. It has a control function to play in the brain, so the amount of copper has to be balanced. It has been associated directly with advanced thought processes, particularly in relation to the impact of its transporter protein, Atp7a. Studies have shown a direct link between its content within the brain and creative or out of the box thinking, showing that it helps neural pathways to develop in unique ways.
Helps Increase Energy Production. Copper is essential for the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate, which is a place in the body where energy is stored until needed. When we have enough of this element in our bodies, we will have enough functional and accessible energy to get through the day without feeling lethargic or tired.
Helps Prevents the Growth of E. Coli. Studies have shown that copper can prevent and destroy the growth of bacterial strains and viruses such as E Coli. It does this by boosting the immune system and preventing excess energy from being expended fighting off the infections.
Helps Lower Cholesterol Levels. Studies have shown that copper can reduce the levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and help to increase beneficial HDL (good) cholesterol. This lowers the chances of cardiovascular diseases like atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke.
Helps Improve Thyroid Health. Copper plays an important role in ensuring the thyroid gland is functioning properly. You must however not take an excess amount as it can lead to thyroid problems. Be sure to take a balanced level of copper as too much can throw your hormone levels out of balance and could lead to either hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
Promotes the Formation of Red Blood Cells. Copper is essential in the production of red blood cells, hemoglobin and bone matter. This is because it is partially responsible for the efficient uptake of iron from food sources.
We could go on and on regarding the benefits of copper in the human body however just the benefits listed above should give you enough information as to why you need to consider Copper 1 in your daily regime.
We have researched the world’s best sources for copper supplements and have found only one that meets and exceeds our expectations. MitoSynergy Advanced Copper-1 Supplement is the world’s only patented and true bioavailable copper 1 supplement. We encourage you to at least try this amazing product as it could change your life!
Increase Energy

Human energy boils down to a form of currency called adenosine triphosphate otherwise known as ATP. ATP is made within most cells of the body. ATP is made within the cell through three steps. Step one is glycolysis that yields 2 ATP. Step two is the Kreb’s Cycle that yields 2 ATP. Step three is the electron transport chain that yields 34 ATP.
The greatest yield of ATP is found in the electron transport chain. Bioavailable copper is necessary for the electron transport chain to operate. The copper found in MitoSynergy is the world’s first bioavailable copper.
Reduce Discomfort

It has become known that many of us are copper toxic and deficient at the same time. This seems like an illogical statement. But the fact is we have all been subjected to a non-bioavailable form of copper in our environment. The problem is further compounded by an ongoing depletion of essential minerals including copper in our soil. So our food sources are depleted of bioavailable copper.
Inadequate levels of bioavailable copper in the cell impairs its ability to make ATP. When the cell is not making ATP it is making lactic acid; it is always doing one or the other. A cell is a pulsing machine. The cell is either happy or unhappy; living or dying, making ATP or making lactic acid. By simply increasing ATP and reducing lactic acid helps the body help itself reducing the discomfort.
Increase Mental Clarity

All brain processes and bodily functions are dependent on a currency called adenosine triphosphate otherwise known as ATP. The brain can perform at optimal levels with adequate supplies of ATP and with inadequate levels can impair mental clarity. MitoSynergy will assist the body to have increased ATP by providing a source of bioavailable copper.
Order your supply HERE
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