This Powerful Drink Will Clean Your Whole Organism (Video)

by N.Morgan

complete body detox is something we should all do once in a while. Due to our poor dietary habits, fat keeps building up in our blood. Try this healthy solution to cleanse and regenerate your organism.

It will give your bodily systems a nice boost and eliminate the toxins from your body at the same time.


  • 67 oz / 2l water
  • 1 lemon or 2 limes
  • 1 fresh cucumber
  • 10 mint leaves


Clean and slice the lemon and cucumber, mix the slices well, then add the mint leaves. Take a Mason jar and put all the ingredients in, then add the water. Close the jar and keep it in the fridge.

According to nutritionists, 2 glasses of this drink is the recommend daily dosing. For better results drink it for 15 days, and make sure you avoid sugars and fat.


Stories Contributed by N. Morgan


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