(N.Morgan) CPS has become a monstrous entity, that takes children away from their parents and destroys families. The children are sexually, physically, and mentally abused, while in these "foster" homes. CPS's legal immunity has reached outrageous proportions and its time for the people to take their right back and defend their families. CPS is an organization funded and backed by the govt. to enslave and manipulate the people.

SPECIAL REQUEST To American Citizens:

Please call Arizona Governor Jan Brewer at: 602.542.4331.
Say, "I'm calling on behalf of an Arizonan woman named Sara Johnson.

So-called 'CPS employees' have knocked at her door and threatened Sara with taking her newborn son into their custody--it would be her fourth son they will have "legally-kidnapped" if not stopped.

This threat took place AFTER you 'abolished' this agency on Mon, Jan 13, 2014. How does Sara stop this now "illegal agency" from terrorizing her with destroying her family further? Please inform: 800.515.9216." Thank you, Concerned Americans!





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