Police Officer Fired For ‘Scalping’ Detained Woman (Video)

(N.Morgan) A Warren police officer has been fired for scalping a detained woman, while she was in custody. Surveillance cameras caught the incident and the authorities say her actions were unnecessary. It seems a bit mild to say it was unnecessary. It was sadistic and cruel. One woman trying to de-feminize another, trying to break the woman's spirit.

Charda Gregory of Detroit was taken into police custody back in November, accused of disorderly conduct, destroying property at a Warren hotel and assaulting a police officer. While she was processed she was placed in a restraining chair, was strapped in and a Warren police officer cut her hair with scissors. David Griem, Warren City Attorney, and two police administrators reviewed the video several times and unanimously agreed to terminate the police officer. Griem says the 10-year veteran officer was freelancing.

"There is a policy about removing wigs, but, that doesn't cover scalping a person," says Griem.




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