Exclusive Look Inside The World's Largest Planned Doomsday Escape: Billionaire Bunkers (Video)

In a recent article from ForbesLife written by Jim Dobson, we get an exclusive look into the Elite’s doomsday bunkers.

This bunker could rival Noah’s Ark, only this bunker is made up for luxury and comfort and not just for making a long trip.

Inside, the bunkers are beautifully decorated, you feel as if you are in a luxury cruise ship, rather than a Doomsday bunker.

Vivos founder and CEO Robert Vicino announced Vivos Europa One which will be an invitation only, five star, underground survival complex, similar to an underground cruise ship for the elite.

Each family will be provided a private 2,500 square foot of floor area, capable of two story improvements for a total of 5,000 square feet of private living quarters.

With fit and finish comparable to a mega-yacht, each member family will hire their own architect and contractor to build out their living quarters to the custom standard they desire.

More with Video and Photos http://bit.ly/1IaCV0t

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