Lemon With Garlic Are Perfect for Naturally Clearing Heart Blockage (Video)
by N.Morgan

The odd partnering of lemon and garlic are not the typical combination found in most kitchens. When people use this combination, it’s usually for spicing up fish or creating a homemade vinaigrette.
Yet, these powerful natural ingredients are known for their healing properties too. For instance, a mixture that consists of lemons and garlic can significantly boost the functioning of the arteries, by clearing heart blockage naturally.
This is very important because many modern men and women are suffering from bad cholesterol. When the level of this cholesterol is above normal, it can accumulate on the artery walls.
Next, the blood flow is decreased which means that the chances of experiencing stroke or heart attack are significantly higher.
Even though there are pharmaceutical medications that can help you manage bad cholesterol, certain changes in the eating patterns and your daily menu (like consumption of more lemons and garlic) can bring similar positive effects.
NOTE: Boiling whole Garlic for more than three minutes or crushed/chopped Garlic for more than six minutes will neutralize the natural health benefits to be derived from the plant. Provided printed recipes have been adjusted for sorter boiling times.
This combination doesn’t come with any side effects.
Clearing Heart Blockage Naturally Using Garlic & Lemon
Remedy #1
- One cup of raw garlic juice
- One cup of raw lemon juice
- One cup of raw ginger juice
- One cup of apple cider vinegar
- Take all the ingredients and mix them well. After that, bring the mixture to a rapid boil (do not boil for more than three minutes) and then turn down the heat to simmer (195 degrees) the liquid for about 30 minutes.
- Once the time has passed, leave the mixture to cool and add three cups of raw, organic honey.
- Pour the mixture in a glass jar/bottle and store it in the refrigerator.
- Take one tablespoon of this incredible mixture in the morning before you eat.
Remedy #2
- 30 medium-sized cloves of garlic (cut into very small pieces)
- Six lemons cut into small pieces (peeled)
- Take the lemons and garlic and place them in a blender or food processor. Fill the remaining space with water and blend everything well.
- After that, pour the mixture in a pot and pour 2 liters of water.
- Wait until the mixture starts boiling (do not boil for more than three minutes) and then turn down the heat to simmer (195 degrees) the liquid for an additional 5 minutes.
- Once the mixture is cooled, strain it and put it into a clean glass bottle.
- Remove the leftovers.
- Keep the mixture in a fridge.
How to use this remedy?
The first dosage requires drinking about 50 ml of this mixture on a daily basis for 3 weeks. After that, you need to take a break for seven days. The second dosage is the same as the first one – drink 50 ml of this mixture on a daily basis for 3 weeks. You can follow these steps every six months.
Remedy #3
Take 15 cloves of garlic and 3 medium sized lemons and put them in a food processor or a vitamiser. Add some water to the top and vitamise. When you are done, put the mixture in a pot made of metal. Next, repeat this process with the same quantity of garlic and lemons.
Once you are done, put everything in a pot and add another one liter of water. Wait until the pot starts boiling (do not boil for more than three minutes) and then turn down the heat to simmer (195 degrees) the liquid for 5 minutes. Use a strainer to strain the mixture and place the liquid in a clean pot. Once the liquid is completely drained, wait until it gets cold.
Attention: Don’t rush the draining process. In addition, don’t use the leftovers from the draining process for anything – throw them in the bin.
In the end, you will have between three and four liters of this mixture. Keep it in the refrigerator. It is crucial to use glass bottles and avoid plastic bottles. Bottles made of plastic can lead to health issues when they are filled with hot or warm liquids. In order to keep your health safe, use glass bottles.

How to use this remedy?
The first dosage starts by drinking one regular glass on a daily basis for 3 weeks. After that, you must take a break for seven days. The second dosage is the same – drink one regular glass of this mixture on a daily basis for 3 weeks.
You can repeat this process once in a year. You can do it more frequently, but make sure that there is at least two-months break between each treatment.
Additionally, you can warm the liquid when you drink it. Feel free to add more ice and water to dilute it and make it more drinkable in the summer period. Thanks to the lemons, the strong scent of garlic will be eliminated. The best part of all these remedies is that they are very simple to prepare and affordable.
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Boiling Impact on Garlic — https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1021/jf062587s?src=recsys
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