Recipe for Preparing Dandelion Syrup – Possesses Healing Powers to Treat Hepatitis, Cancer, Kidney and Liver Disease (Video)
by N.Morgan

For many years time, dandelions have frequently been used on a large scale due to its powerful healing properties for various health issues.
It contains the power to cleanse the liver, encourage the whole production of bile, balance out the cholesterol level, is able to alleviate allergies, and can even help the pregnant women as well as those women who are in menopause to cope easier with all of the symptoms.
When is the best time to harvest dandelions? The pest period for picking dandelion is the beginning of spring, especially somewhere around April, and you have to make sure to harvest it from areas which are not polluted.
Also, make sure to remember that the stem is pivotal mostly because of its ability to treat diabetes, improve the metabolism, cleanse the blood, and even help in resolving some stomach issues too.
In addition to all of this, the leaves are also abundant in vitamins and make a great addition to salads and various other meals if you are in need of losing some weight or nourish the body in the exact right way.
The flowers can make up for a great ingredient for preparing a natural syrup. This will prove to be excellent for the digestive system, the blood, and can relieve coughing as well.
How to make dandelion syrup – to prepare this you will need 400 yellow dandelion flowers, 4 sliced oranges, 4 sliced lemons and three liters of water. For the preparation part, put all of the ingredients in water and leave them for a period of 24 hours to soak.
After all of this period, mix in two cups of sugar and cook all of the contents together until it thickens, and then simply turn off the stove and pour the syrup into sterilized jars. Consume only a teaspoon of it, and it can help you treat coughs, bronchitis, and colds.
How to prepare the dandelion tea – for the ingredients you will need half a teaspoon minced dandelion leaves, one cup of water and one teaspoon of honey (this one is optional).
For the preparation, boil the water and simply add the leaves and cover up the contents for a period of five minutes. Then, make sure you strain it in a cup. Add some honey if you want to and enjoy the sweetness!
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