This Anxiety-Fighting Oil Helps Your Brain to Better Deal with Stress (Video)
by N.Morgan

Vetiver oil is a popular remedy in South Asia, Southeast Asia, and West Africa. It has been used for thousands of years, and research has shown that its leaves and roots provide great benefits.
Vetiver is a sacred herb, and ancient civilizations praised it for its uplifting, soothing, healing and protective effect. It cools the body which is why it’s commonly used in tropical countries. People in Sri Lanka and India call it “the oil of tranquility.”
Vetiver oil is used to treat heat strokes, joint disorders, and skin issues. It can also give you energy and cool your body. Need a remedy for anxiety and nervousness? Use vetiver oil.
According to recent research, vetiver oil can relieve the symptoms of ADHD and ADD. It increases libido and treats insomnia.

The vetiver plant
Vetiver is a perennial bunchgrass that belongs to the Poaceae family. In western and northern India, people call it khus. Vetiver is a close relative to Sorghum but also shares some morphological characteristics with lemongrass, palmarosa and citronella oil.
The grass grows up to five feet tall, and its leaves are long and thin. It has brownish-purple flowers, and the roots may grow eight feet down in the soil. It’s tolerant of drought and protects the soil against sheet erosion. The deep roots stabilize railway cuttings and embankments, preventing mudslides and rockfalls.
The oil is distilled from the roots and is packed with over 100 components, including khusimene, delta-selinene, beta-vetivenene, cyclocopacamphan-12-ol (epimers A and B), vetiselinenol, khusimol, isovalencenol, khusimone, alpha-vetivone, and beta-vetivone.
This type of oil is brown and has a sweet, woody and smoky scent. Its scent improves with aging and depends on the grass’ location.

7 health benefits of vetiver oil

1. Antioxidant
A study conducted at the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition at Clemson University in South Carolina found that vetiver oil has strong free radical scavenging activity. The oil was compared to butylated hydroxytoluene and alpha-tocopherol.

2. Scars and marks
Vetiver oil promotes the regeneration of the skin. It’s used in the treatment of dark spots, acne or pox. The anti-aging effect removes stretch marks, cracks and treats other skin issues. You can use it to treat burns and acne. Add a few drops of the oil to your face wash, body soap, and lotion.
Thanks to its antiseptic effect, vetiver oil prevents infections and destroys bacteria. It’s used before and after surgeries to heal wounds.

A 2001 study conducted by Dr. Terry Friedman confirmed that vetiver oil can help in the treatment of ADHD. His study involved 40 children aged 6-12.
The doctor used lavender, vetiver, cedarwood and Brain Power (a blend of frankincense, sandalwood, melissa, cedarwood, blue cypress, lavender, and helichrysum essential oils) essential oils.
Children inhaled the oils three times a day, and the results showed that vetiver oil increased performance in kids by 100percent.
It has a soothing and relaxing effect, which helps in relieving the symptoms of ADHD and ADD, such as difficulty in concentrating, diminished focus, being easily distracted, difficulty with organization and following directions, impatience, and fidgety behavior.

4. Aphrodisiac
A 2010 study released in the journal Hormones and Behavior found that mental and physical stress results in loss of libido.
Vetiver oil acts as a calming and sedative agent, and it relaxes your body and mind, helping you put your hormones under control.
The oil raises testosterone levels in mind and has estrogen-like power. It strengthens the female reproductive system and balances the production of hormones. Vetiver oil can help women deal with menstrual discomforts, such as fatigue, bloating, skin issues, emotional changes, breast tenderness, and cramps.
Vetiver oil acts as a natural remedy for PMS cramps.

5. Body function
Vetiver oil optimizes the immune response and lessens the toxic effect of cisplatin (chemo drug). The oil inhibits DNA damage, clastogenic effect and cell cycle arrest in bone marrow cells in lab animals.
When you are tense and anxious, your digestion, growth, reproduction and immune system are suppressed.

6. Anxiety and nervousness
Vetiver oil is commonly used in aromatherapies. It relaxes the body and relieves emotional stress, panic attacks, trauma, anxiety, insomnia, hysteria, and depression.
Research has shown that vetiver oil has the same effect as Diazepam, meaning it treats anxiety, muscle spasms, seizures, and other health conditions.

7. Termites
Vetiver oil has the greatest power when it comes to repelling termites. It was compared to cassia leaf oil, clove bud, cedarwood, eucalyptus globules, eucalyptus citrodora, lemongrass, and geranium oils.
Vetiver oil can also repel and control mosquito larvae, which helps in preventing dengue, malaria, yellow fever and filariasis. Some like to use it to get rid of lice.
History and fun facts
Vetiver oil has been used as an Ayurvedic remedy for thousands of years. It has been used as a remedy for imbalances and disorders. Brides were massaged with this oil before marriage.
In the Middle Ages, vetiver oil was used for its scent. Today, it’s often used in the perfume industry.
How to find vetiver oil
You can buy vetiver oil from the local health food store and online. Always use products from reputable and organic brands. It works well when combined with geranium oil, ginger essential oil, jasmine oil, lavender essential oil, lemon oil, lemongrass essential oil, orange oil, patchouli essential oil, rose oil and sandalwood essential oil.
- Soak vetiver roots in cooled boiling water for a couple of hours. This water calms the body and purifies the blood. Rinse your hair for a cooling effect.
- Add 5-10 drops of vetiver oil to your bath to prevent overheating and relax your body and mind. You will sleep like a baby.
- Diffuse 3-5 drops of vetiver oil or massage 1-2 drops on your wrists, chest, and neck to improve your mind and mood.
- Combine 3-5 drops of vetiver oil and jojoba oil each to moisturize your skin and soothe your mind.
Side effects
Vetiver oil is a non-irritant, non-sensitizing and non-toxic product. Pregnant women and breastfeeding moms shouldn’t use it, but there’s no evidence confirming this. It’s safe for use when used in small amounts.
Some say that vetiver oil may cause miscarriage when used orally. There are no drug interactions.
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