The Al Sharpton – Ritual Sacrifice Code ( N.Morgan ) I'm not sure what to make of this video presentation, but I can say it does present a very interesting and frightening aspect of Satanism and the ritualistic sacrifices. Could Al Sharpton be the next sacrifice? This video report discusses the ritual code contained in the name of Al Sharpton and in doing so, discusses the conspiratorial elements, that strongly suggest, that Al Sharpton. is targeted for ritual sacrifice, not by some race hating white group, but from his insider Zionist handlers, that have no more use for Al Sharpton, and can use his orchestrated ritual blood sacrifice murder, to advance the current and ongoing NWO agenda, that seeks to perpetuate a race war in America, between blacks and the rest of the nation. Once Sharpton is assassinated in public and removed, it will open the way for someone currently waiting in the wings, to take over the black mob, all angered by the death of Sharpton, and whose job ...
Showing posts from 2014
Military Vehicles, Choppers In St. Louis – Rumor That This Weekend The GJ Decision Will Be Released.
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( N.Morgan ) As the much anticipated Grand Jury decision as to whether as to whether Officer Darren Wilson will be indicted for the shooting death of Michael Brown, the authorities have issued the stance of a strong military presence in Ferguson, Missouri. In preparedness for a possible riot, military vehicles and choppers have descended on the small Missouri town. The racial tension grows more intense by the day, as the citizens wait to see if there will be a trial of Officer Wilson. The racial tension has been high since the shooting death of unarmed teen, Michael Brown. Many notorious activists, such as Al Sharpton and Eric Holder have made their way to Ferguson, in a show of support for the family, but also, in an attempt to bring notoriety to their otherwise mundane careers. Soon after the Aug. 9 fatal shooting of black teenager Michael Brown by white police officer Darren Wilson, a grand jury began deciding whether to indict the officer for his role in...
Was Jim Traficant Murdered?
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Whether you loved him or hated him, Jim Traficant was an out spoken force against the tyranny and corruption that rules the govt elite. His death was a surprise and has left several unsettling questions as to whether this was truly an accident or something else. After the tragic death of Jim Traficant on September 27, the phones at AMERICAN FREE PRESS began ringing off the hook with calls from Jim’s fans wanting to find out more information. Although there is no real proof of such a conspiracy, the overwhelming majority of the callers was convinced this was the case. At this time, there doesn’t seem to be any concrete evidence of foul play. However, the possibility cannot be ruled out, as there are several anomalies with the official story that need to be examined. The people who directly witnessed the incident are being suspiciously tight-lipped about what occurred. Andrew Thomson, the on...
Al Roker Mind Control Trance “Live” Trigger Word = Holy Ghost?
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In a bizarre incident on the Today show, during an intro to the next segment, one of the anchors makes a joke and says Holy Ghost and as you watch, Al Rocker seems to go into some sort of trance. He stands frozen for the rest of the segment with a strange, far off look in his eyes. What do you think, mind control or something else? This is strange to say the least. In mind control, the person inducing it usually has a trigger word, to set the one who is under the control, into action. “Triggers” can be words, symbols, gestures, signs, music, tones, sounds, etc. The purpose of applying “triggers” is to keep the mind controlled victim locked down under mind control programming. In the absence of ‘triggering’, some mind control victims begin to recover their memories of being traumatized and programmed to be a mind controlled slave. The series of unconnected words that follow the message is the tip off for this type of programming e-mail. Keep an eye...
Kurdish Woman Suicide Bomber Attacks ISIS In Syria, Killing A Number Of Members
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( N.Morgan ) The Kurdish women have taken up arms, in the fight against ISIS. This time, they scored a few points, when one of the Kurdish women warriors suicide bombed a nest of ISIS, killing a number of their forces.The fight continues in the war torn area of Syrian border town of Kobane. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the woman blew herself up at an Islamic State position east of the city, killing a number of jihadists who have surrounded Kobane and are battling to seize it. “The operation caused deaths, but there is no confirmed number,” Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman said. He said it was the first reported instance of a female Kurdish fighter carrying out a suicide bombing against the Islamic State group, which has itself often favored the tactic. ISIS began its advance on Kobane, Syria’s third largest Kurdish town, on September 16, seeking to cement its grip over a long stretch of the Syria-Turkey border. The fighting arou...
While All Eyes On Ebola, UN Passes World Patriot Act
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Now the plot thickens with this Ebola crisis. The UN is now set to pass a World Patriot Act. Now, the tyranny is beginning to show and their true agenda is coming to light.So while the world is in a panic over the Ebola crisis, the Power Elite are taking full advantage. Another slight of hand by the diabolical Globalists. Abby Martin speaks with RT Correspondent Marina Portnaya, about a new UN resolution that is being compared to the US Patriot Act, going over how the text could allow countries to increase surveillance under the name of counter terrorism, as well as giving states new tools to crack down on dissent by simply labeling activists ‘terrorists’. Global Patriot Act: Resolution 1373 — in effect, a global Patriot Act — fanned outward from the Security Council. Regional bodies joined the effort, adding action plans and treaties to carry out the new policies. The European Union, the African Union, the Organization of American States, ...
Payback: Sanction Reprisals: Putin 9/11 Data Dump
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Vladimir Putin had said he had inside information about what really happened on 9/11 and who the true responsible parties are. Such a data dump would expose one of the most monstrous false flag ever perpetrated on this country. This video was part of a longer clip in a recent VT Radio show, of which I’ve removed about 40 minutes, to focus on the section, which drills down to a now-infamous alleged Russian “data dump” shared with Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today about the “real” perpetrators and methods and means used in the 9/11 attacks. This information was supposedly given to him to share to the public at-large, in reprisal for the US government’s economic sanctions against Russia, ever since Crimea and East Ukraine voted overwhelmingly to secede from the US-NATO-installed regime in Kiev, however, one veteran 9/11 researcher claimed on Pakalert Press: “This 9/11 data dump is so radioactive the US Government will likely collapse. The world will n...
Video Recovered After DHS Coerce Man To Delete Footage, Detain For Asserting Right To Remain Silent
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( N.Morgan ) DHS officers thought they had covered their butts when they forced a man to delete footage he had taken of the officers denying him his right to remain silent, boy, were they wrong! However, the vigilant citizen had made sure not to lose the precious footage and had backed up by the popular smartphone application Dropbox. Technology these last few years have really become the mortal enemy of the crooked cops and law enforcement. Giving a not so stellar view of some of the worst cops, acting their worst and in this case, again technology stepped in to make sure their misdeeds were exposed. The video shows the man, who has requested to remain anonymous, invoking his 5th Amendment right to remain silent as he is threatened with arrest for doing so. In the initial exchange, one DHS officer can be heard saying “Okay sir, right now you are facing several charges… We don’t have to have probable cause.” The DHS agents tell the man to pull over to a ...
New Top Ten UFO Sighting List
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( N.Morgan ) The accelerated sightings of UFOs seems to have intensified this year and especially, the last several months. The mystery surrounding these crafts has become almost mainstream in the media coverage they are now garnering. In a video from Mister Enigma, we re-visit the best sightings of this year. This is an interesting top 10 video. This is a bit different than the normal top list. There are more recent sightings and some of the video clips are actually quite good. More With Video And Photos
Spectacular Solar Pole Flip, Solar Tornadoes, Spaceweather
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( N.Morgan ) There is a lot of activity on the sun, and in space in general. There have been some solar tornadoes, a solar pole flip, and other odd space weather events. Solar tornadoes several times bigger than the Earth are generated in the solar atmosphere, researchers claim, after such a tornado was discovered using the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly telescope on board the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) satellite. “This is perhaps the first time that such a huge solar tornado is filmed by an imager. Previously much smaller solar tornadoes were found. The solar/polar fields are not done in their cycle. In essence, there may be more earthquakes. I had had a recent discussion about why the planet is experiencing so many earthquakes and why the plates beneath are so active. The solar weather seems to be affecting the Earth’s plates, as well as the fracking, HAARP, and other elements that are involved. More With Video
Weird Space Bubbles May Have Caused US Battle Deaths
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During the US military siege known as Operation Anaconda in March 2002, a very rare and strange occurrence happened that left 3 soldiers dead, after failing communications. Bad communications plagued Operation Anaconda, and now researchers say that a strange space weather phenomena was to blame: plasma bubbles. These wispy clouds of electrically charged gas particles form at night in the upper atmosphere. Typically around 100 kilometers (62 miles) wide, the bubbles can’t be seen but they can bend and disperse radio waves, interfering with communications. Joe Comberiate, a physicist at Johns Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Laboratory, is a co-author of the new study along with colleague Michael Kelly. They examined atmospheric conditions during the battle that were recorded by a passing NASA satellite. History of Operation Anaconda: In March 2002 was one of the biggest military operations of the war in Afghanistan, pitting several...
Pittsburgh Cops Tased Man While He Was Praying For His Dead Son In ER: Lawsuit
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This is another case of cops on steroids and acting like over zealous brutes. When I saw this heartbreaking story on my local news, it again reminds us just how low law enforcement in this country has sunk. This man was clearly grieving and the police had no right to taze him or even disturb him in his last moments with his son.The police claim the man, Rev, Earl Baldwin, was prohibiting the young man from medical care, but is is vastly clear, that Mileek Grissom is already dead. Another note I’d like to add, the man who was tazed is a well known and liked pastor in the area. Here’s what went down: The suit accuses an officer of unlawfully using his Taser against Rev. Earl Baldwin Jr. on June 24, 2012. Baldwin said that at the time, he was in the emergency room of UPMC Mercy Hospital attempting to pray for his stepson, 23-year-old Mileek Grissom. Grissom was shot and killed that day while reportedly trying to break up a fight. “I needed to ...
Secrets In The Dust – Machu Picchu City In The Clouds
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Machu Picchu City became an obsession for a young Hawaiian-born, Yale-educated, Hiram Bingham. An obsession thay drove him to discover the secrets of Machu Picchu City. At the beginning of the 20th Century, when the last empty spaces on the globe were fast disappearing, he decided to climb South America’s highest mountain and discover the legendary last refuge of the Incas after the Conquistadors’ invasion. More With Video and Photos
James Traficant Dead – Warning For All Americans
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(N.Morgan) One of the most outspoken, loud whistle blowers has passed away. Jim Traficant was in a tractor accident a few days ago and has died from his injuries. Former Rep. James Traficant, the Ohio politician whose career included 17 years in Congress and a conviction for bribery, has died at age 73. Traficant’s family had been fearing for his life since earlier this week, when he was critically injured in a tractor accident. Traficant’s death comes years after he attempted a political comeback, filing to run for his old seat in 2010 as an independent in Ohio’s 17th District. More With Video
Ontake Volcano Erupts In Central Japan, Several Injured
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A volcano in central Japan has erupted, sending ash clouds and debris down the mountains’ slope for more than 3 kilometers. At least eight people have been injured and aircraft have been forced to divert to avoid the dangerous area. The Ontake volcano on the border of Nagano and Gifu prefectures, 200 kilometers west of Tokyo, started erupting at about 11:53 local time (02:53 GMT), NHK reported, citing Japan’s Meteorological Agency. NHK released a video showing the volcano spewing thick, gray smoke into the air. More With Videos and Photos
CIA Agent Confesses That FEMA Death Camps Exist
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In the video below, a CIA agent confesses the truth about the FEMA death camps and these camps are going to be really used for. There are still people out there in complete denial about this issue and I am fully aware they will come out in force to argue this confession. The depth of the denial about this is growing more fierce and frankly, people better start waking up to their new reality, before its too late. This is all about enslavement and population control. More With Video
10 Strange And Unsettling Acts Of Body Snatching
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In the world of bizarre news, this list really is bizarre, strange, and odd in every way. In some ancient cultures, the more unusual the act, the more promise for the dead in their afterlife. The Ancients’ traditions and personal beliefs concerning the afterlife vary from culture to culture. The people of Mesopotamia, for example, believed that without a proper burial the ghost would return to haunt them. The Maya, on the other hand, buried their dead in a manner that helped direct the spirit to the underworld. The one idea that is universal is the desire for the spirit to move on and for the corpse to stay buried. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out that way. Body snatching is a dark practice that has and will continue to occur for reasons just as baffling as the act itself. More with Video and Photos
Mind-Blowing Fast Satellites, Slow UFO’s & Planes
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In another presentation by our friend Crrow777 has captured some UFOs, planes and satellites. His captures are always amazing in quality and his narrative is always very informative and educational. Crrow777: This clip shows that satellites in low Earth orbit travel much faster than objects in a higher orbit or objects near the moon. This is important as most of the unknown objects I post seem to be traveling at a higher altitude and slower than satellites in low Earth orbit. More With Remarkable Video And Photos
Cop Asks Man For License, Shoots Him When He Goes to Get It
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As the Police State grows in power and aggressiveness, we are faced with the challenge to survive an encounter with law enforcement. This new world of police violence and murder is now a rampant issue, which none of the authorities seem to want to deal with. This time, a 31 year old in South Carolina was stopped for a seat belt violation and ends up with police unloading on him, as he complies. So you can see, even compliance won’t save you from this hostile treatment. More With Disturbing Video
Fiery Swarm Of UFOs Over Chandler, Arizona
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I’ve never seen this type of UFO in the past. There are at least 4 and they seem to be on fire, as they fly through the sky. You can see them making turns, going back, moving forward and away. The UFOs seem to swim through the sky at others times. They look as if they are searching for something or maybe checking us out. At other times, it looks as if 2 UFOs merge into one. More with Video and Photos
Experts Say Butterfly-Shaped Blob Was Made Of … Butterflies?
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A very strange butterfly pattern showed up on radar over St. Louis Missouri, last week was built from actual butterflies, the National Weather Service said. Which since we saw so few butterflies this year, may be a good sign. In a rare coincidence, a giant swarm of migrating monarch butterflies resembled a butterfly on radar for a short time Friday afternoon. Forecasters suspect hundreds of monarchs were flying between 5,000 feet and 6,000 feet (1,525 meters to 1,825 meters) above the ground, heading south to Mexico. Though small, their fluttering wings are good radar targets, the National Weather Service said on Facebook. No one saw the butterflies, but the radar signals suggest the “targets” were flapping, flat and biological, similar to a monarch. Hummingbirds are migrating now as well, but the zippy birds prefer to fly at treetop level, ruling out a Hitchcock-like scenario, according to the weather service. The double-butterfly is not the first time a radar...
FEMA Readies Ebola Training For 500 Doctors And Nurses
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As the world is in the grip on the Ebola outbreak, our trusty govt agency, FEMA is on the case and preparing 500 doctors and nurses to deal with the impending outbreak in the US. We’ve had cases already brought here and it seems almost orchestrated, bringing such a contagion to our soil. However, FEMA is making sure they will be ready to isolate and imprison anyone who shows any symptoms of this dreaded disease.The course will also require participants to don and doff different levels of PPE under supervision of instructors and conduct several practical exercises in full PPE, including the following: a simulated patient and/or body transport, cleaning and disinfecting a simulated patient care area, a simulated waste disposal exercise, a simulated patient care exercise (including drawing blood from a simulated patient and packaging a simulated specimen for transport and testing), responding to a breach in PPE in a simulated high-risk area of an ETU. ...
Obama Justifies FEMA Imprisonment Of Civilians! Indefinite Detention NDAA
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(N.Morgan) In another slap to the face of this country, Obama not only backs the NDAA and the indefinite detention of the citizens, but plans to implement this program and seems to feel it will benefit us! The NDAA or National Defense Authorization Act is a United States federal law specifying the budget and expenditures of the United States Department of Defense. Each year’s act also includes other provisions. More With Video
Multiple UFOs Over Jerseyville, Illinois, September 9, 2014
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(N.Morgan) There was an incredible UFO sighting in Jerseyville, Illinois September 9th, 2014. As you can see in the video and the photos, there was more than one and they are very odd looking and seem to stay in one place. Many have been pondering the meaning of all of these sightings that have been taking place, as of late. Is this some sort of galactic feeling that something big is about to occur? You can see there’s a storm on the horizon and one must wonder if that was the attraction for this visit. Was it the storm that brought them in? More Video And Photos
Shocking Official Documents Confirm Aliens Living On Earth?
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(N.Morgan) An very intriguing report has been uncovered by TercerMilenio revealing government documents confirming the confirming the existence of extraterrestrials. There’s also this shocking FBI document from 1947 about the interdenominational beings living on Earth. Translation: The FBI website has a public document on the internet that has the folio number 6751, where it was released to the director of the government agency to Edgar Hover stating that we are being visited by giant interdenominational beings that do not come from a particular planet. See more in the stunning video below. More With Video And Photos
Phenomenal 2014 New Scientist Eureka Prize For Science Photography
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(N.Morgan) Natural Culture Discovery has put together some extraordinary photos of the world of science. The photos will bring you face to face with manta rays and moths, and even closer to microscopic flower buds and human tissue wreathed in nanoparticles, the top ten images represent the best in science photography this year. So let’s explore the remarkable world of science! Amazing Photos
Fast Bright Object Caught On Tape Over Waterford, Ireland
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(N.Morgan) This fast moving object was captured over Waterford Ireland and appears to be the same sort of object that was flying over Arizona last week.This object certainly is making the rounds around the globe and it causing a stir in the UFO community. What is this craft? Is it military or something else? This new UFO sighting video of a fast bright object flying across the sky above Waterford in Ireland. This was recorded on Monday, 22nd September 2014. More With Video and Photos
CIA Admits Making Fake Beheading Videos-The Plan For One World Order
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(N.Morgan) The CIA has always been notorious for their schemes, false flag ops, and conspiracies. This time, they have went above and beyond with perpetrating fake beheadings. The video below exposes the reasons for such dastardly acts and why this govt insists on using terror to control the masses. This is amazing and you won’t hear it all over the Main Stream Media. That is why WE must get the WORD OUT. The CIA, the USA, is putting out fake videos and propaganda to start a New World Order. We can stop them if we Get the Word Out! More with Video
Listen To The Oldest Song In The World: A Sumerian Hymn Written 3,400 Years Ago (Video)
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( N.Morgan ) Music historians and fans a like are relishing in this discovered treasure of music, dating back over 3,400 years! The piece seems simple enough and I would have liked to hear it on a different instrument, but it is amazing that it has withstood the tests of time and this is a very important discovery, in early human development. In the early 1950s, archaeologists unearthed several clay tablets from the 14th century B.C.E.. Found, WFMU tells us , “in the ancient Syrian city of Ugarit,” these tablets “contained cuneiform signs in the hurrian language,” which turned out to be the oldest known piece of music ever discovered, a 3,400 year-old cult hymn. Anne Draffkorn Kilmer, professor of Assyriology at the University of California, produced the interpretation above in 1972. (She describes how she arrived at the musical notation—in some technical detail—in this interview .) Since her initial publications in the 60s...
If Police Come To Your Door Without A Warrant, Shut Them Down Like This Guy (Video)
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( N.Morgan ) The one thing I cannot stress enough is to learn your rights as an American citizen. The 4th amendment is in place to protect us from this sort of tyrannical barging in of our homes and our personal lives. This is the way to handle unruly police officers trying to gain entry into your home. If police come to your door and you don’t need their help, you can simply decline to answer. They cannot come into your home without a search warrant. Even if the police have probable cause, they cannot come in your home without a search warrant. You might even be a suspect in a criminal investigation. In such a case you should remain silent — except to say “Officer, I can’t let you inside without a search warrant .” Following such an encounter, you should immediately contact a lawyer before speaking to police again. More With Video Here
Brilliant UFOs Over Baltic Sea, Poland – Incredible Clear UFO – (Remarkable Video And Photos)
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( N.Morgan ) In the stunning video below, which was taken over the Baltic Sea off the coast of Poland. Check out the 2 min 8 second mark, the lights begin to descend in an orderly manner into the sea. This is reminiscent of a recent UFO Sighting in Sao Paulo Brazil . I would add that this phenomenon of light appeared twice. First, there is one cluster of lights, and after a few minutes of the second . In all three films are connected . The date is 9-09-2014 around 18:17. These images leave plenty of room for questions and perhaps a few answers. More Photos And Video Here
FEMA Mass Grave Revealed? NWO Gets Called Out (Video)
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( N.Morgan ) In the video below, some shocking information has come to light about a FEMA land purchase. Could this land be for mass graves? Could it be for the millions of American they plan to exterminate? We could be facing a mass extinction, that is US. The regime has been actively pursuing taking our 2nd Amendment, our freedom to travel, our rights to be treating with respect and dignity. This is more insult to an already outraged public. FEMA has become an entity of its own, in which it has no boundaries and no rules to govern it. It has now become Homeland Security, the police, the law. More with Video Here
Multiple UFOs Over Jerseyville, Illinois, September 9, 2014 (Amazing Video And Photos)
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( N.Morgan ) There was an incredible UFO sighting in Jerseyville, Illinois September 9th, 2014. As you can see in the video and the photos, there was more than one and they are very odd looking and seem to stay in one place. Many have been pondering the meaning of all of these sightings that have been taking place, as of late. Is this some sort of galactic feeling that something big is about to occur? You can see there’s a storm on the horizon and one must wonder if that was the attraction for this visit. Was it the storm that brought them in? More With Video And Photos Here
Cops Ran Over Cyclist Twice, Arrested Him As He Lay Dying (Video)
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( N.Morgan ) Police in Quebec are investigating a brutal case in which witnesses claim that police officers trying to stop a bicyclist accidentally ran over the man twice and then handcuffed the bicyclist as he lay dying on the pavement. On Wednesday, 48-year-old Guy Blouin died from injuries he suffered after he was run over by a police cruiser. Witnesses say police went to pull Blouin over for bicycling down the wrong way on a one-way street. As they attempted to pull him over, they accidentally ran him over. “He went under the wheels,” a witness told the Toronto Sun. Then the cruiser shifted into drive and accidentally ran over the man again. “For an entire 15 seconds, he was under the tire in a fetal position,” another witness told Radio-Canada . Witnesses say the man was lying on the ground spitting up blood and yelling “I’m hurt.” Rather than aid the man, police pinned him against the ground and told him he was under arrest even though he ha...
Desperate Mom Turns To Illegal Drug In Hope To Save Son’s Life (Video)
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(N.Morgan) The drug war has a trail of victims behind it, but the most painful of these victims are the children who could benefit so much from medical cannabis. They are the ones who suffer the most from the taboos and BS spread by the drug war and anti-drug campaigns. People need to recognize that Marijuana has so many medicinal benefits, without the toxic side effects. This medicine can mean the difference from being bed ridden to actually living a full, active life. it is time for big changes and time for us to realize that marijuana is not only a useful and necessary drug, but life saving, in many cases. The young man we are discussing today is Austin and his life has been anything but full and active. Most of his days are spent trying to survive, rather than living. He is plagued by seizures that never seem to end. His one hope is cannabis oil. It has shown to be very successful if treating major cases of Epilepsy and Seizures. Read Rest Here
Exclusive: 9/11 Survivor Releases Never Before Seen Photos From 9/11 (Video)
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( N.Morgan ) In my previous article about the 9/11 survivor Ricki,( Stunning New 9/11 Survivor Provides Explosive New Evidence (Video) who said he had photos of that fateful day. The photos have now been released. Ricki has entrusted WeAreChange with those photos and told us to publish them. WeAreChange are releasing all the photos that we were given for you, 13 years later that no one else has seen. Ricki still has other photos that have not been released, these are the photos that we are given and we are letting you make up your own mind about them. Please also note Ricki is not a professional photographer and grabbed what he could to take these photos. See Photos Here
Sole Survivor Of Texas 'Mass Shooting' Speaks! (Notice Anything Strange?)
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3 Agents With CIA, FBI And DEA Warn America (Video)
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( N.Morgan ) 3 brave agents from the FBI, DEA, and the CIA come forward to warn Americans that we are now the enemy. That this regime is coming after us and using us in any way they can. The govt is a drug dealing, assassinating, murdering mafia, Hell bent on taking over the world.n late 1996 / early 1997, Mike Levine and 3 fellow federal agents with CIA, FBI and DEA, came together for a broadcast, whose purpose was to warn America that those agencies whom we were trusting to protect us against terrorism were too inept and badly run to do the job - and that mainstream media's inability to sound the alarm and an easily manipulated congress, would ensure that 'horrific terrorist acts and the loss of our rights as citizens, would surely follow.' Hear those prophetic words now, because nothing has changed. The three participants : Dennis Dayle -- DEA He began his federal career working for the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs in Chicago, a for...
Scary New World Order Plans For Google Barge FEMA Camp (Video)
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( N.Morgan ) I recently wrote another article about the Google barge and if it could possibly be used as floating FEMA Camps or as I jokingly called it, FEMA Island . (However, it isn't a joking matter) Is the Regime preparing for having mobile FEMA Camps? Is that the purpose or is it to keep the worst of the worst who revolt against the regime sent to FEMA Island? Please take the time to watch the video and follow the links I have provided. Think of it this way, if they had a thousand people on that barge and decided they were too much trouble, they would only have to sink it to be rid of us! References: Floating Prisons NC Homeless Hauled to FEMA camps & force RFID Chips or No Benefit: Cop Talks About FEMA Camps & Red Blue Dots Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura FEMA CAMP Source More Stories: Connecting Some Big Dots In The S...
Connecting Some Big Dots In The Sandy Hook Event/Hoax (Videos)
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( N.Morgan ) One of the researchers who has tirelessly worked on the Sandy Hook Hoax has been Namesnot Mary , who has put together quite a collection of videos and evidence to substantiate that Sandy Hook never actually happened. Along with my own research, I think we both have made a good case against this being a legitimate tragedy. Looking into members of Newtown's Board of Finance, found member John Godin's mother connects to exact location of alleged Boston bombing incident. He also has worked for GE since 1997. Godin's mother, Vivian is 70 years old and suffers from ALS. She connects to Mark J Lanza/Mark Bobrowski, Stephen Bobrow and Gary Yesser who all have suspicious records of death, properties and aliases. Allscripts company linked to Godin's relative is a billion dollar computer technology business which operates tax free.and has merged with a company from Israel. Profiting tax free from our Countries Health Care System. Should send this info to Obam...