Cheap Homemade Eco-Friendly DIY Laundry Detergent (Video)
by N.Morgan
People are starting to research the chemicals that are found in everyday products and are taking back control by making their own household products. It can be more environmentally friendly and it helps you avoid toxic chemicals you don’t want to come into contact with or have an allergy to. It can also help save you some cash, instead of paying high prices for name brands and additives you don’t want.
People are starting to research the chemicals that are found in everyday products and are taking back control by making their own household products. It can be more environmentally friendly and it helps you avoid toxic chemicals you don’t want to come into contact with or have an allergy to. It can also help save you some cash, instead of paying high prices for name brands and additives you don’t want.
2 gallons + 1 quart Boiling Water
1 bar castile soap or natural laundry soap, grated
2 cups Borax
2 cups Washing Soda
3-gallon container
Empty jugs to store the detergent
Mixing Spoon
Cheese Grater
20 drops of essential oils
- Bring 1 gallon of water to a boil and pour into the bucket.
- Add the borax and washing soda and stir to dissolve into the water.
- Bring 1 quart of water to a boil and add the grated soap to it. Keep stirring (whisking) until the soap is completely melted with no chunks.
- Pour the melted soap into the bucket with the already dissolved borax/washing soda mixture. Stir very well.
- Add the last gallon of boiling water to the bucket and stir to mix.
- Let the detergent cool down a bit (about an hour or so).
- Using the funnel, pour the detergent into your empty jugs.
- Use between 1/4 to 1/2 cup per load. (around 1/4 cup for HE washers)
Total yield of recipe = 320 ounces
The following essential oils were selected for their fragrance and non-staining properties:
Australian Tea Tree • antimicrobial
Rosemary • antimicrobial, deodorizing
Lavender • antimicrobial, fragrance
Geranium • antimicrobial, fragrance
Cost Breakdown
Borax, 65 ounces $5 • 16 ounces per batch x $.08 per ounce • 4 batches per box
Washing soda, 55 ounces $6 • 16 ounces x $.11 per ounce • 4 batches per box
Kirk’s Laundry Soap $1.25
To figure the pricing on the oils: A 10 ml bottle of essential oil contains 200-250 drops.
Rosemary: 14.75 for 10 ml .07 per drop x 5 drops $.35
Tea Tree: $12.75 for 10 ml .06 per drop x 5 drops $.30
Lavender: $29.75 10 ml .14 per drop x 5 drops $.70
Geranium: $33.75 10 ml .17 per drop x 5 drops $.85
For one 320 ounce batch of DIY earth-friendly frugal laundry detergent, costs are:
$2.20 for Essential Oils
$1.28 Borax (16 ounces at $.08 per ounce)
$1.76 Washing Soda (16 ounces at $.11 per ounce)
$1.25 Laundry Soap
Total = $6.49 for one batch
4 ounces of detergent per load yields 80 loads for $6.49 which turns out to be a whopping $.08 per load!
For comparison, Seventh Generation yields 53 loads for $12.99, which averages $.25 per load!
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