Picking The Perfect Tractor For Your Homestead 

If you find yourself with a new small farm or homestead, you will also find yourself with a chore list the length of your right arm. A good small farm or homestead is like a good marriage — it is a beautiful thing, but it takes effort and hard work.

Hard work is something that you will never run out of, I assure you. Plowing, planting, harvesting, shoveling manure, cultivating, moving dirt, mowing and so much more are daily duties for the small-time farmer. Horses are nice, but I have never been a horse man, and I don’t intend to start being one. If you are like me, and don’t exactly feel like running back to 1889, I suggest you seriously consider a tractor.

A piece of land less than 150 acres can be managed with one machine. Two is preferable, and I have never worked a farm over 50 acres in size with less than two. Of course, if you only have small piece of land, one is plenty.

More http://bit.ly/1EH9jMg

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