5 Surprising Health Benefits of Cinnamon for Skin, Hair and All Around Health (Video)
by N.Morgan
There’s nothing like the smell of hot, fresh cinnamon rolls are pulled from an oven. But this tasty little spice does much more than evoke sweet aromas and tempt your taste buds. Consider these extraordinary health benefits of cinnamon.
Cinnamon has been highly prized since ancient times. You can find references to it in the Bible and on Egyptian papyri. And, at one time in ancient Rome, cinnamon was considered more precious than gold. In fact, this little spice was so treasured that wars were fought over it. Today, however, the value of this sweet and savory herb comes not in currency, but in the amazing health benefits of cinnamon supplements, powders, and essential oils.
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Cinnamon controls blood sugar. One of the most well-known benefits of cinnamon is that it helps lower blood sugar and fight diabetes. A systemic review of cinnamon revealed that it reduces fasting blood glucose, reduces hemoglobin A1c levels, increases circulating insulin levels, and was protective against diabetic neuropathy (diabetic nerve pain and numbness). And, research shows that eating cinnamon with a carbohydrate-laden meal can help prevent blood sugar spikes. (So, if you eat toast, be sure to sprinkle a little cinnamon on top of it.)
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