10 Alkaline Foods That Renew, Regenerate and Repair Cells (Video)

Eating the right foods in the right combination can enhance cell regeneration. Skin cells are replaced every 30 days, in which red blood cells are replaced after four months. Cells in the small intestines renew after a few days. 
Eating alkaline foods will make replacement cells vibrant, stronger and healthier.
As a result, your immune system will strengthen and you’ll have a lower risk of chronic diseases. Inflammation is known to hinder cell regeneration. Luckily, the foods below have anti-inflammatory properties.

10 Alkaline Foods for Cell Regeneration

1. Plums: Plums have high amounts of antioxidants so they’ll help reduce inflammation. Research shows that plums can inhibit the formation of tumors.
2. Cantaloupes: This fruit contains phytochemicals and beta-carotene, which help remove toxins in the body. They’ve also been proven lớn promote white blood cell production, thus strengthening the immune system.
3. Achiote: This food contains a natural food color called norbixin. Norbixin has very strong antioxidant properties. It also has anti-mutagenic properties that keep the cells healthy. It’s worth noting that natural food colors play a vital role in regeneration. Eat other color foods like yams and carrots.
4. Teff: It contains nutrients that play an important role in cell growth and development. It will ensure that the new cells are stronger and healthier.
5. Oregano: Oregano oil has been proven lớn boost production of white blood cells which means you’ll have a lower risk of diseases. It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

6. Soursop: Did you know that soursop leaves kill cancer cells? Well, the fruit can clean up healthy cells and increase white blood cells. It also helps remove toxins in the cells.
Image result for Burro banana
7. Burro banana: This banana has high amounts of copper and iron. It will help boost the production of red blood cells.
8. Wild rice: Wild rice has compounds that promote the production of collagen. Which means it will regenerate skin cells. It has also been proven to help in white cell production.
9. Sea salt: Sea salt removes excess acid in the body and helps keep pH levels balanced.
10. Wakame: This food contains fucoxanthin, a compound that prevents fat from accumulating on the cells. Unfortunately, most veggies don’t have this compound.

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