Free the Hidden Powers of Your 2nd Immune System With These 8 Herbs and Supplements (Video)

Image result for The 2 Parts to Your Immune System
The immune system is a host defense system comprising many biological structures and processes within an organism that protects against disease. Your immune system works in a delicate balance. This balance is determined by having a sufficient level of Vitamin D in your system. Vitamin D levels have been shown to be chronically low in the North American population due to our lifestyles and diets.
Once the immune is out of balance, your body suffers a decreased ability to defend against bacteria, viruses and fungi and other offending agents.
Image result for immune system: TH1 and TH2

The 2 Parts to Your Immune System

For the sake of simplicity, let’s say there are 2 parts to the immune system: TH1 and TH2. 
TH1 are like the soldiers and TH2 are like the commanders. If there are too many soldiers, then the commanders can’t control them all, and some will go and do things that they probably shouldn’t do. If there are too many commanders, then there are too many controls and not enough of the physical work will get done. There must be a balance between the levels of TH1 and TH2.
Most people that suffer from autoimmune disease (like Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, and Eczema) are TH1 dominant, meaning that they have too many soldiers, of which some have gone off and started attacking cells that shouldn’t be attacked. These people tend to have improved symptoms of their disease when they take caffeine.
They have better moods, less irritability, better bowel movements etc. after ingesting caffeine. If you feel this way, you may be TH1 dominant. Please note that no supplement or medication is as strong or effective as maintaining a healthy diet and performing regular exercise. Other people tend to get lots of infections and colds throughout the year, but especially in the colder months. These people tend to be TH2 dominant as they don’t have as many soldiers around to fight off the attacking viruses.
For those with seemingly weaker immune systems caused by a high number of infections, natural supplementation may be advised. Please speak with your healthcare practitioner prior to starting any supplementation routine.
Supplementation with the following have been shown in research to boost the immune system for those who suffer from infections caused by bacteria, viruses and other offending agents:

Image result for Vitamin A

Vitamin A: 

This can be taken on its own or as part of a high-quality, broad-spectrum multivitamin.

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Vitamin C: 

The role of vitamin C in immune system control has long been known.
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Seafood, Red Meat, and Pumpkin Seeds are great food sources of zinc.

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It helps to heal the gut, which in turn helps to boost the immune system.

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Scientific studies have shown that astragalus has antiviral properties and stimulates the immune system, suggesting it helps to prevent the common cold or flu.

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This powerful herb contains a compound called echinacea, that inhibits bacteria and viruses from penetrating healthy cells.

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Elderberry has a long history of use for medicinal benefits by many different cultures. It fights infections including influenza, viral and bacterial infections.

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Experiments have shown that garlic is highly effective at killing countless microorganisms responsible for some of the most common and rarest infections.
A good combo option for supplementation of natural immune boosters is a product called DEEP IMMUNE. Speak to your doctor before starting supplementation with this product, however, it can help you naturally boost your immune system if the balance is “out of whack”.

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