The Incredible Story of What This Man Consumed to Overcome His Diabetes Without Medicine (Video)

Several years ago a young man was diagnosed with diabetes and high blood pressure. Taking insulin and high blood pressure pills were inevitable. He accidentally found out that he had diabetes when he visited the doctor because he constantly felt thirsty.
The results were shocking: his sugar turned out to be 29 and he was told that his pancreas was no longer working, so he wouldn’t be able to live without taking insulin. The situation made him cope with the illness, and he did everything required to preserve his health, took part in various sports activities, and regularly took insulin.
Nevertheless, his medical condition was becoming even worse, he consumed numerous pills, and still, new medical issues appeared, his triglyceride levels increased up to 16, his pressure was up to 150/100. And he had enough.
His 2013 New Year Resolution was that he would overcome his illnesses, as he turned on the TV and saw the show “The Edge of Science”.

That night, Dr. John Zirdum was the guest in the show and spoke about his healthy lifestyle. Namely, he lived on raw foods only for 12 years. After the show, he gave it some thought and decided to try it by himself. He bought a blender and started a completely new life. During the first week, he had the same temptations and all of them were successfully overcome which gave the first results. In a very short period of time, his blood sugar level dropped to 5.
It was unbelievable for him. He reconsidered the insulin treatment but decided to quit since if he maintained this miraculous healthy diet, he would maintain sugar levels just as well. In case it fails, and if blood sugar levels were to increase, eventually he would take insulin. However, soon enough he started to lose weight. All was well.
The results of this change of life were fascinating! He lost almost kilo of his body weight on a daily basis, in fact, 11kg in the first 25 days. The next four months made him a new man.
His condition improved, his blood pressure is 120/70, his triglycerides level 1.4, he does not take insulin or any other pills, he has lost more than 20 kg and is the happiest man ever. He has most often consumed his own mixture of raw foods. Here below is the recipe which shows the contents of this juice.
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Recipe of his favorite juice

  • 2 bananas
  • 2 apples
  • a handful of kale
  • 5 kiwis
  • half a liter of water
In the morning you should drink half a liter of juice and the rest of it during the day. Additionally, when you feel hunger you should constantly eat fruit, fruit salads and add tuna as well due to vitamin B12 which is much needed to the human body.
The point is that there is no hunger because the brain does not know that the stomach is empty, he gets information through the blood, and in the blood, you have everything you need.

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