Use Baking Soda to Fight Colds and the Flu (Video)

Baking soda is a very versatile home remedy and most people are unaware of how it can aid in treating colds and the flu.
AKA Sodium Bicarbonate comes from a naturally occurring mineral and is one of the safest substances to use.
ColdsBaking soda is extremely alkaline meaning it can alkalize your entire body to prevent diseases.  It balances your body’s pH levels by neutralizing any acidity. In, “Arm & Hammer Baking Soda Medical Uses,” published in 1924, Dr. Volney S. Cheney talks about his clinical successes with baking soda in healing colds and flu cases:
“In 1918 and 1919 while fighting the ‘flu’ with the U. S. Public Health Service it was brought to my attention that rarely anyone who had been thoroughly alkalinized with bicarbonate of soda contracted the disease, and those who did contract it, if alkalinized early, would invariably have mild attacks.
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I have since that time treated all cases of ‘cold,’ influenza and LaGripe by first giving generous doses of bicarbonate of soda, and in many, many instances within 36 hours the symptoms would have entirely abated. Further, within my own household, before Woman’s Clubs and Parent-Teachers’ Associations, I have advocated the use of bicarbonate of soda as a preventive for ‘colds,’ with the result that now many reports are coming in stating that those who took ‘soda’ were not affected, while nearly everyone around them had the ‘flu.’
Cheney also mentioned that people who used baking soda daily were among the few that didn’t get the flu when it was spreading around their schools.

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How to Treat Colds and the Flu Instantly With Baking Soda​​​​​​​

In 1922, people this easy natural way to fight colds and the flu but, unfortunately, it’s been forgotten since. In fact, this method was documented by the Arm & Hammer Company for colds and the flu back in 1925.

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This Remedy Is Very Easy and Safe.​​​​​​​

Simply dissolve the required amount of baking soda in a glass of cold water and drink it.
Day one and Day two:  Take 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water 6 times a day. Wait two hours before each dose.  
Day three: Take only 2 doses — one in the morning and another at night.
After that,  take only one dose in the morning until illness is gone.

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Take Wheatgrass​​​​​​​

These wheatgrass flu shots are your answer to improved immunity and better health this winter season. Wheatgrass is one of the most effective healers, containing over 90 minerals, all 17 amino acids (building blocks of protein), and vitamins A, C, E, I, K and B-complex. It is also composed of 70% chlorophyll, which is one of the best blood-builders out there. Need I say more? all you need is just one shot a day.

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