Cop Who Physically Assaulted 13-Yr-Old Soccer Ref Gets Slap On Wrist (Video)

(N.Morgan) Another genius who has managed to get into the blue uniform. Officer Keith Spear, assaulted a 13 year old, who was referring a soccer game. Officer Spear didn't like the way the child was reffing the game, so he twisted the boy's arm behind his back. What makes this even better, is the cop wasn't charged with assault, but harassment, which is just a misdemeanor. 

I have to wonder, if one of us twisted a cop's arm behinds his back, for doing something we didn't like, what charges would we, as citizens, be facing? Yeah, I think we know the answer to that.

A police officer accused of physically attacking a 13-year-old soccer referee pleaded guilty in court Thursday. Officer Keith Spears pleaded guilty to an amended charge of harassment, which is not considered a misdemeanor, but a violation. He was originally charged with harassment with physical contact. Spears has taken a lot of heat from the public after police say he lost his cool after a girl's soccer game last Fall and put his hands on Nathaniel Rase, twisting the boy's arm behind his back.

Spears could lose his job over the incident, depending on a decision from the police chief. He will have to pay a $250 fine and make a $750 donation to the Kentucky Youth Soccer Association.

Video HERE



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