The Last Round You’ll Ever Need (Video)

(N.Morgan) Besides having a good gun, you have to have effective ammo. The G2 Research Radically Invasive Projectile (R.I.P), is one of those ammos I would classify as the perfect ammo. This ammo is the ultimate in personal/home defense and is worth a look.

Here's the details:

G2 Research R.I.P. 9mm
* 16" Penetration
* Up to 6" diameter spread
* 96 gr projectile
* 2" grouping at 25 yrds
* 1265 FPS / 490 Muzzle Energy
* 9 Separate Wound Channels
* Precision Machined
* Solid Copper / Lead Free
* Defeats all known barriers such as sheet metal, sheet rock, windshields, plywood, heavy winter clothing

It started with an un-compromised idea of creating the ultimate personal protection round. The geometry at the tip of the projectile has much to do with the way the projectile travels through tissue. It has been long known in the medical industry that a trocar point penetrates the dermis layer more efficiently... the G2R RIP Round




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