Why You Shouldn’t Dismiss Bugging Out (Video)

(N.Morgan) In a survival situation, depending on what you are dealing with, either "bugging out" or "bugging in" will be your options. In some scenarios, "shelter in place" is the way to go, but in other cases, it isn't.

Natural disasters can leave you homeless. Some people don't want to be refugees and have to leave everything behind and start over again. Again, certain situations may call for you to get out of Dodge. Be prepared for this scenario and have a game plan in place.


One instance that bugging out may be ideal, would be if you managed to get yourself on the govt. hit list. They will want you dead or locked up and disappearing may be your best option for survival.

Now, if civil unrest were to occur, your options are to try and keep your family alive amidst the fighting--gunfire, explosions, bored/angry/hungry fighters and opportunists--or leave for safer territory. The clip below is a massive refugee camp in Jordan, just across the border from war-torn Syria.

Granted, it may not be the most pleasant situation, a refugee camp, but at least these people have managed to survive the war, so far. Something to consider.

Lastly, gauge your threat level. After the assessment, plan accordingly. I know that leaving your home and every thing behind may seem scary, believe me, death is far more frightening, especially at the hands of a mob or the like.





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