(N.Morgan) Storing medications has been a topic debated widely, in the prepper communities. Some basic considerations need to be taken, like the expiration date, storage conditions, and what types of meds you are trying to store. One way to stock up your supply of meds is to refill them 5 days early,this will give you a small amount, that will increase gradually. Another tip, is to get freebies aka samples, from your doctor. Most docs are pretty generous with the samples, you just have to ask.

The one thing that will help you keep your meds organized, is to keep all of them in their original bottles, if possible. It will also help you to know what it is.


Here's a list of medications that just don't store well.

  1. Pradaxa (dabigatran) – store in original bottle; expires 4 months after opening

  2. Nitroglycerin (sublingual, spray, etc) – store in original container; expiration: sublingual – 6 months, spray – 3 years

  3. Insulins – all insulin should be stored in a refrigerator until ready to use.  Insulin can be stored at room temperature away from direct sunlight after it has been used for the first time.  Expiration dates for insulins vary (see table).  The expiration date should be the date from 1st use or the expiration date on the vial or pen, whichever comes first. 


Drug Name

Expiration date – after 1st   use

Lantus (insulin glargine) vials, cartridge, pens

28 days

Apidra (insulin glulisine) vial, cartridge, pen

28 days

Humalog (insulin lispro) vial, cartridge, pen

28 days

Humalog mix 50/50, 75/25

Pen – 10 days

Vial – 28 days

Humulin R U-100, U-500 vials

31 days

Humulin 70/30 vials, pens

Pen – 10 days

Vial -28 days

Humulin N (insulin NPH) vials, pens

Pen – 14 days

Vials – 31 days

Levemir (insulin detemir) vials, pens

Vials – 42 days

Pens – 42 days

Novolog (insulin aspart) vials, pens, cartridge

28 days

Novolog mix 70/30 vials, pens

Vials – 28 days

Pens – 14 days

Novolin N vials

42 days

Novolin R vials

42 days

Novolin 70/30 vials

42 days


  1. Insulin Test strips – store in original bottle away from direct sunlight at room temperature.  Follow the expiration on the test strip bottle.

  2. Also, note that the meters themselves can go “bad” after several years and can give false readings if not replaced.

  3. Aggrenox (aspirin and dipyridamole) – store in original container


Medication disposal is also a vital part of the storage process, to keep your other medications contamination free. There are 2 ways to do this, without polluting the water supply. Most pharmacies have disposal services available. When my dad died, I had a ton of really high powered meds to get rid of and they did it for me. The pharmacists also told me you can dispose of pills in kitty liter. Now, if you want to take care of this process yourself, put some water into a plastic bottle and dissolve the pills.

For patches, like Lidoderm® or nicotine patches, fold in half and wrap in duct tape or put unpalatable substances on them.

As a brief aside for nicotine products, especially the patches, make sure they are in something that dogs cannot or would not want.  Dogs can easily develop nicotine poisoning by chewing on used nicotine patches.




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