The NSA And The 9/11 Deception (Video)

(N.Morgan) Our Surveillance Society began after 9/11, when it was decided our security was far more important than our privacy or freedoms.  The NSA has been an extension of this train of thought, about security and surveillance, only, this surveillance was turned upon innocent American citizens, rather than the Osama's or other "terrorists".

NSA is in our computers, our phone calls, emails, every thing. All under the guise of keeping us safe.

One of the less-remembered parts of the Osama bin Laden fairytale was that the NSA had a hard time keeping track of his communications with his Al CIAda operatives. Why? Because, as General Michael Hayden told CBS News back in early 2001, bin Laden used standard encryption and off-the-shelf American telecommunication products.

Sound unbelievable? That’s because it is. As they go on to admit in that very same report, they were tracking bin Laden’s satellite phone after all, and as James Bamford and others have described in exhaustive detail, the NSA was monitoring Al Qaeda’s “communications hub” in Yemen for years prior to 9/11, and purposefullly withholding most of that information from the CIA bin Laden unit. But the idea that the NSA just wasn’t able to track bin Laden because of his dastardly technology was a key meme for the NSA to implant in the immediate wake of 9/11. That’s why the Hayden interview was replayed on CBS less than 48 hours after the attacks, and that’s why, as recently declassified documents show, the NSA used 9/11 as an official talking point to justify their illegal surveillance of Americans.


Video HERE

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