Get It? Your Doctor Is Paid Handsomely To Poison Your Kids (Video)

(N.Morgan) We see more and more cases of children injured or killed, by the vaccines industry. They have no conscience about this, because they are compensated so richly, they turn a blind eye to the damage they are inflicting on our children. As we've known for many years, one of the preservatives that is used in Mercury, however the industry hides this secret by calling it Thimerasol.

Both are poisons deadly to nerves. Nerves run everything in your body.  Any insertion of toxic metals like these into babies and young children is likely to cause trouble, yet that is what your doctor is trained and paid to do.  Heshe is handed a generous bonus for high vaccination uptake rates of between 70% and 90%.  The more kids your doctor can poison, the richer he will be.

A doctor I know describes himself as a 'drug dealer' for fun.  Many drugs like marijuana, cocaine and opium have health benefits.  The poisons he administers to your children have none.  He should change his job title to 'child-killer'.  Doctors are dangerous as they have no idea or have closed their minds to what they are doing.  Some are aware up to a point, yet very few will not walk away from their inflated salaries.  Same goes for dentists, putting mercury into kid's teeth.



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