Currency Reset: USA – Elite-Corruption, Mis-Representation & Political Manipulation (Video

(N.Morgan) One way to stop a civilization cold in its tracks, is to ruin the economy. When Hitler began his reign, one of the first things he did was change the currency. Why? He who controls the currency, controls the world. The dollar is losing value, the more money the Fed prints, the more worthless the Dollar becomes. Soon, it will be worth 0.

The Global Currency Reset would be offered as the alternative ”solution” to the decimation that would be caused by (Quantitative Easing) inflation from the worlds central banks. Williams states that the bank bail-ins Cyprus experienced were something that would happen in countries across the globe through new legislation, (such as the Dodd-Frank Reform and UK Banking Reform acts in late 2013 for example) which contain PROVISIONS TO RECAPITALIZE BANKS BASED ON THE DEPOSITS OF ”UNSECURED CREDITORS”. (i.e. YOUR MONEY)

This is because In bankruptcy proceedings, big derivative bond holders and institutional clients obtain their capital FIRST as they have higher priority on the list, with depositors being left with the remainder of defunct bank funds- IF THERE ARE ANY LEFT. A hypothetical example would be you being awarded 50% bond equity in Lehman Brothers or Northern Rock!



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