Saudi Arabia Posts Ad For Hiring New Executioners 

Among the nations of the world, none have a foreign policy that is as hypocritical United States’. Only our government has the gall to criticize other nations for human rights abuses, while simultaneously abusing our own citizens and looking the other way when our allies do the same. This situation takes an especially strange turn when it comes to our government’s criticism of ISIS, an organization they likely trained and funded.

But out of all our frenemies and allies, few are as wicked as Saudi Arabia. Without all of their money and oil, that country would be nothing more than a theocratic version of North Korea. This is a nation that routinely flogs, beats, amputates, and tortures their citizens for offenses such as adultery, drunkenness, and petty theft. Clearly they are a bastion of human of rights, worthy of America’s friendship.


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