Why Is The System So Screwed Up? Because Corruption Is Legal 

Many of us often wonder how our system of government became so dysfunctional. Theories abound as to why, but one thing is certain. No matter what we do, it rarely seems like the government is listening to us.

 If anything, when they do pass or repeal a law that the vast majority of the voting public wants them to pass or repeal, it seems like they only do it when it happens to coincide with their interests (or the interests of their financiers).

The truth of the matter is that our government is corrupt (I know, big surprise). But more importantly, our corruption doesn’t always take the form of shady backroom deals like many of us imagine.

It’s actually right out in the open for all to see. The reason why our system is such a racket, is that in America, corruption is perfectly legal.

Video http://bit.ly/1GpUw8f

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